Cry: Reflecting Life's Emotions Through Art

Often when I paint, Im reflectin on something. It could be personal struggles, reflections on interactions with my son—moments where I regret my actions—or thinking about that specific moment of his expression I adored.

While creating "Cry," my thoughts were with a friend. I met her in Munich, instantly drawn to her as a friend from the moment we met. She was more than just beautiful; there was something about her that wanted me to befriend her. We met weekly because our sons were similar ages.

She struggled to adjust to life in Munich after moving from overseas. I won't delve into specifics to respect her privacy, but her challenges were so similar to those I faced back in the States when I lived in Hawaii. A partner addicted to drugs, battling mental health issues, exhibiting aggressive behavior, and grappling with emotional confusion—her stories evolved over time, worsening each time we met. I felt powerless, unable to do more than offer a listening ear and emotional support.

As I painted, I wondered about the emotions she held inside, the feelings crying out. It's fascinating how these thoughts emerge unexpectedly through art.

The good news is that she eventually left him after many attempts of trying to work the relationship out, taking her child to a happier place where they can grow.


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