Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Inspirations from Vienna to keep

This post is my creative blueprint for 2024! I’m diving into the key elements that inspired me during my recent art-filled exploration. From Klimt's shimmering gold leaf and transparent fabrics to vivid skin tones and bold brushstrokes, I’m gearing up to weave these influences into my own work. I’ll also be playing with abstract clothing, emotional depth, and unconventional colors. This is my personal art roadmap for the year—an exciting journey I’m ready to embark on once the move to the U.S. is complete!

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Aine Divine’s Summer School in Edinburgh

On the final day at Aine Divine's summer school, I finally was able to let go of the struggle I felt until then. I set the intention to allow each brushstroke to dry and ensuring each stroke was deliberate. What I think really helped my work was imagining myself in Aine's mindset and guess what—I think it led to a stunning outcome.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Breaking Through Creative Blocks: Embracing Uncomfortable Comfort

Today marks my first blog post, where I share why I painted cairns. It wasn’t just for beauty; it was to push through a creative block.

Many artists hit this wall and stop, but I chose to paint something simple and familiar. As I persevered, my work transformed, and I created a piece I’m proud of. The lesson? Embrace discomfort and use it to explore new possibilities. This applies to life too. Keep creating and exploring, and remember, feeling lost can lead to amazing and beautiful outcomes.

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