Journey into the World of Gustav Klimt: An Artist's Reflection

Gustav Klimt Portrait 2024

In early August, I went on a trip that nourished my artist's soul—a trip back to the world of Gustav Klimt. This experience was more than just an escape; it was an exploration into of his artistry, helping my creative spirit and prompting me to experiment new techniques. (Althought alot of it is something I love in my past paintings which I am extremely happy about;))

Throughout my visits to various museums, I made a list of key takeaways that have influenced my approach to painting.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this trip was coming back to our home in Munich and painting Gustav Klimt himself. As artists, we often remain behind the scenes, so I felt like I had to create a portrait of him. After immersing myself in the atmosphere of Vienna and understanding the essence of Klimt’s work, I realized that I only grasped a fraction of his genius—perhaps just 3%. Yet, that glimpse was enough to inspire me.

What captivates me about Klimt is the realization that I can never fully replicate his voice or essence. Each brushstroke I make is only a “copy” of his artistry, and while I may get closer through time and practice, the beauty lies in the fact that I can NEVER be him.

In my latest painting, with leftover gouache, I toned my paper with colors close to his painting “Fritza Riedler” from 1906. I might have gone a bit overboard in capturing his style, but it’s a starting point. With each piece, I learn and grow, hoping to refine my voice while showing appreciation to the artists who inspire me.

I’m planning on doing more Master Artists portraits, incorporating the aspects and styles I love about each of them. Stay tuned!!!


The Joy of Art: Unexpected Connections and Happy Moments


Inspirations from Vienna to keep