Inspirations from Vienna to keep

This blog is going to be more for me rather than the readers sorry lol

Im posting all the key paintings that made me think and want to try to implement in my own work. This is going to give me momentum for the whole of next year I believe!

Transparency in Paintings:

  • Emphasis on creating delicate, transparent areas similar to those seen in Klimt’s works, like the transparent clothing and subtle color gradients.

  • Use of Gold Leaf:

    • Inspired by Klimt’s use of gold leaf to add a luminous quality and contrast, particularly noted in works like “Pallas Athena.”- I need to work on how I can create different textures with them!

  • Colorful skins:

    • Incorporating different colors within skin almost creating a non-skin like feel.

  • Distinctive Brushstrokes:

    • Implementing distinctive, visible brushstrokes to create dynamic textures and contrasts.

  • Incorporating Strong Contour Lines:

    • Using warm and cool contour lines to enhance the form and depth of your subjects, inspired by Klimt’s technique of varying contour colors.

  • Color Contrast and Unity:

    • Utilizing contrasting colors to create focal points while ensuring overall unity in the composition, as demonstrated in Klimt’s works like “Death and Life.”

  • Abstract Representations of Clothing:

    • Experimenting with abstract and textured representations of clothing and fabrics, inspired by Klimt’s innovative approach to clothing in his portraits.

  • Exploring Emotional and Conceptual Depth:

    • Bringing a sense of emotional and conceptual depth to your work, similar to the themes explored in Klimt’s and other artists’ works.

  • Playing with transparency:

    • Incorporating grid techniques as seen in Eva Beresin’s work, to create sense of layers and playing with transparency.

  • Use of Non-traditional Colors:

    • Experimenting with non-traditional color palettes and combinations, inspired by the unique color choices of artists like Klimt and Schiele.

AND of course, I will have to make a business card one day soon that is inspired from Klimts business card!
Im ready to paint from what I have soaked up from Klimt!!!


Journey into the World of Gustav Klimt: An Artist's Reflection


Vienna Klimt Trip-Day 3