Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

The Bright Side of Parenting: Understanding Leaps and The Ups and Downs

As a mom, I’ve learned that the journey of parenting is filled with ups and downs, especially during those developmental "leaps." The Wonder Weeks app helped me track these phases when my son was a baby, revealing that challenging behaviors often coincide with rapid cognitive growth. Now at three years old, I see that these leaps continue, bringing moments of frustration alongside sheer joy. Recently, I captured one of his happiest smiles in a painting inspired by a special moment at Starbucks, reminding me that even amidst the chaos, there are beautiful moments to cherish.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

The Alien Gaze of Newborns

Something about that newborn phase, up until around five months old, made me feel like my son was an alien. Maybe it's my sleep deprivation, his underdeveloped vision, limited communication, innate reflexes, or just the profound bond and hormonal changes in me—I can't quite understand what my newborn son was thinking or feeling, making him seem almost alien and sacred. There was one moment when he just gazed at the lamp light for such a long time, with a face that I associated with something sacred. This was a watercolor portrait to capture his sacredness, with the exact reference photo being this moment of his sacred gaze.

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