Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Kelogsloops Workshop In Munich- Aug 2023

Attending Kelogsloops' watercolor workshop was a transformative experience. Through three days of focused learning on composition, skin tones, and abstract techniques, I found new ways to integrate subtlety and balance into my art. Read on to discover the valuable insights and tips I gained from this inspiring workshop.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Aine Divine’s Summer School in Edinburgh

On the final day at Aine Divine's summer school, I finally was able to let go of the struggle I felt until then. I set the intention to allow each brushstroke to dry and ensuring each stroke was deliberate. What I think really helped my work was imagining myself in Aine's mindset and guess what—I think it led to a stunning outcome.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Mankai 満開: A Reflection of Myself in Art

The reason behind painting this piece started from my desire for a new challenge.

I had never before painted elderly individuals, nor had I tackled male subjects. Using Midjourney, I created a reference featuring an elderly Caucasian man in a kimono, accompanied by ikebana flowers. It was a quite a challenge, but I found joy in the process, especially as I reached the midpoint. Normally, I avoid painting drapery, hands, wrinkled faces, men, and flowers, so completing this piece felt like a significant achievement at the time.I named this painting 'Mankai 満開' because in Japanese, 'mankai' is used to describe the peak bloom of a flower. We typically don’t associate this with old age, but for me, it signifies that humans, can reach their peak with age—a time of success and wisdom.

Moreover, after finishing the painting, I realized it somehow portrayed aspects of who I am or could have been in a different universe. Growing up, ocassionaly I wished I had been born a guy. Raised in Japan, this painting seems to reflect my imagined life as a man.

Reflecting on the completed painting, I find it intresting how it has become like a self-portrait, capturing aspects of my identity and aspirations.That is exactly one of the beauty of creativity.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Chira: Capturing Curiosity in ‘The’ Moment

Don't you think taking photos of kids without getting noticed is the best way to capture a great photo? The expression that you cannot quite explain? The photo reference for this painting was taken when I took my son to the zoo and he saw a giraffe for the first time. I wanted to capture his face just as he saw the giraffe, so I quietly crept up from behind and held the camera suddenly in front of him to capture that instant without him reacting to the camera. His expression was so different—full of curiosity and a twinkle in his eyes. That's what I wanted to share in this painting: the twinkliness of curiosity that children, and even adults, are capable of.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Moments That Catch Me Off Guard

I said 'Sorry, Kai.' He looked at me curious, surprised, but so concerned. It caught me off guard when he said 'Why, what’s wrong?' He's never put words together like that before. It just caught me of guard to realize how much hes grown and capable with understanding feelings.

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