How Can i Protect You?

Are we to blame for bringing our children into this world?

In the moments following my son's birth, I couldn't shake off a deep sadness – the realization that I couldn't shield him from life's challenges. Perhaps it was the post-pregnancy hormones, or maybe it stemmed from an overwhelming love for him coupled with the limitations of my own humanity.

In my studio, I poured these emotions into my artwork, capturing my son's innocence amidst the harsh realities of life. The image of him lost in space reflected my own fears and uncertainties as a parent.

I was trying to come up with an answer to what is the right balance between protecting my son and exposing him to life's realities. This thought exactly reminded me of a video by The School of Life on YouTube. While I can't recall the exact reference, the message about the challenges of parenthood was what I was exactly feeling at that time. But as the painting took shape, I found something quite interesting. What I initially perceived as a mistake – the dark background symbolizing life's uncertainties – became an integral part of the narrative. It represented the Yin and Yang of life, where light exists within darkness, and darkness within light.

Reflecting on this painting today, I'm reminded of the meditative power of art. It allows me to explore my emotions and find beauty even in life's most poignant moments. So as I continue to navigate parenthood and creativity, I want to try and embrace vulnerability and cherish the journey, dark corners and all. And I invite you to do the same, whether you find yourself in the light or in the dark. There's something to learn and grow from in every experience.

Until next time,


Painting: How can i protect You?


Joy's Story and the Ophelia Painting


Breaking Through Creative Blocks: Embracing Uncomfortable Comfort