Joy's Story and the Ophelia Painting

I want to share a story about my friend Joy that really touched me. When we spoke recently, she briefly mentioned losing her sister in a tragic way. She didn't give me too much details, almost like she was trying to protect herself from revisiting the pain.

Ever since I met Joy, there always seemed to be something I couldnt quite explain beneath her cheerfulness. Now that I know about her sister's death, it all made sense. One of her creative output has been filmmaking and she captures the wonder and beauty in everyday moments - the colors of fall leaves, feeling the warmth of the sun. I thought this may be because of the fact that she knows the fragility of life.

What inspires me is Joy seeking and capturing the beauty in everyday life even in darkness. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found, and that through our creativity, we can find healing and hope. Art is therapy.

This made me want to revisit an old painting idea I had - "Ophelia," by a British artist Sir John Everett Millais. I've collected reference photos, intending to paint my own version someday tucked away inside a folder in my computer. When I observe this painting Ophelia drowning, I find myself reflecting on the question: is the drowning figure a representation of the one we lost or our own descent into sorrow?

Hearing Joy's loss of her sister, gave me an urgency to finally create this painting I've been putting off. I felt this was the perfect moment while the emotiones were high.

And here it is.
Its my favorite painting so far. And I’m glad I painted when the emotions struck me. Perhaps this painting was just waiting for that perfect moment to come to life.


Moments That Catch Me Off Guard


How Can i Protect You?