Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

How i projected my childhood on my son

'Womb,' was inspired by my son's transition to a new daycare where there was a tug-of-war between wanting to protect him and the realization that he is capable of navigating life's challenges on his own.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

The Struggle of Balancing ME and Motherhood

As a mother and an artist, I often catch myself trying to balance my passion for painting and caring for my son. I dread not being able to paint at some point during the day. Painting helps me stay sane, reflect on relationships, and hold onto a part of myself through parenthood. Gradually, I've learned to prioritize my creative time without guilt, realizing it's essential for my well-being and personal growth.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

Joy's Story and the Ophelia Painting

Inspired by a conversation with a dear friend, Joy, I embark on a journey to revisit a long-held painting project. Join me as I explore the symbolism of 'Ophelia' and reflect on the profound questions it evokes about loss, grief, and the human experience.

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Miwa Gardner Miwa Gardner

How Can i Protect You?

fter my son was born, I struggled with the realization that I couldn't protect him from life's hardships. My artwork reflected these fears, showing his innocence against a dark background. This symbolized the balance of light and darkness in life. Art helps me embrace vulnerability and find beauty in the journey of parenthood.

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